Schizophrenia and Electromagnetic Therapy
Schizophrenia is a psychiatric condition characterized by a wide range of symptoms divided into positive and negative categories. Its origins are believed to stem from the release of excessive dopamine. Therefore, in theory, by decreasing cortical excitability and...
Schizophrenia and AcupunctureÂ
Depressive Psychosis Depressive psychosis is the gradual onset of an emotional sad and depressed state (called dejection), dullness, incomprehensible speech, muttering to oneself, mood swings, strange behavior (like frequent laughter or crying for no apparent...
Histamine levels are a primary cause of methylation problems. In testing, whole blood histamine levels are used as a marker for methylation status. This test can determine the presence of histadelia (high blood histamine) or histapenia (low blood histamine). ...
Natural Medicine for Schizophrenia
Schizophrenic patients occupy more hospital beds than any other illness including cancer, heart disease, and stroke combined. The annual cost of this condition is roughly $48 billion when factoring in medical treatment, Social Security payments, and wages lost due to...
Neurotransmitters are associated with specific mental health disorders. Serotonin: depression, schizophrenia Dopamine: schizophrenia, Parkinson’s Glutamate: schizophrenia Norepinephrine: anxiety  GABA: anxiety Many psychiatric medications work by altering...
Mental Disorder Triggers
Genetic Vulnerability Stress Chemical Toxicity Heavy Metal Toxicity Food Allergies Intestinal Dysbosis Food Additives Nutritional Imbalances Neurotransmitter Deficiencies Hormonal Imbalances Hypoglycemia Structural Factors Medical Conditions Medications/Drugs...
Antipsychotic Medications & Uncontrolled Body Movements
Antipsychotic, also known as neuroleptics or major tranquilizers, are a group of medications that are routinely prescribed to treat people with schizophrenia. These medications can help some people with psychosis and mood disorders; however, these drugs can have...
15 Questions for Informed Consent
15 Questions That Must Be Answered to Satisfy for Informed Consent Questions For Your Employer (Or School) To Copy Into An Email. Modify As Needed Or Appropriate. Employers (Schools) are required to disclose any and all potential conflicts of interest (COI), including...
Why Do We Get Sick?
Why Do We Get Sick? When it comes to human health, one of the most predominant questions many people want to know is why we get sick. Understanding of the answer to this question can help keep us healthy and happy when we apply the solutions to the rationale in our lives.
Indoor Plumbing, Federal Water Pollution Act, Safe Water Drinking Act, and the Natural Decline in Disease
Indoor Plumbing, Federal Water Pollution Act, Safe Water Drinking Act, and the Natural Decline in Disease​ The prevalence of disease has greatly diminished since the 1900’s. Even though the presence of polio, measles, mumps, and...
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