
Vaccine Ingredients and Common Side-Effects

Vaccine Ingredients and Common Side-Effects

Vaccine Ingredients and Common Side-Effects Mercury (Thimerosol) Mercury is a heavy metal known to cause damage and be toxic to the Central Nervous System (CNS) which consists of the brain and spinal cord, as well as the heart, kidney,...

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Immunocompetency and The CDC Vaccine Schedule

Immunocompetency and The CDC Vaccine Schedule

Immunocompetency and The CDC Vaccine Schedule Immunocompetency is the ability of the body’s immune system to respond when stimulated. Most babies do not start to develop immunocompetency until the age of 24 months. This means the immune...

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The National Vaccine Program

The National Vaccine Program

The National Vaccine Program Are you aware of a specialized Vaccine court dedicated to the compensation of vaccine injuries such as Autism and Death (please read vaccine inserts fully and attentively)? The estimated amount of claims...

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Vaccination Laws by State

Vaccination Laws by State

Vaccination Laws by State With over $3.6 Billion Dollars in vaccine injuries, including death, more and more parents are questioning how to opt out of vaccines. Many have been mislead to believe that their children can not attend...

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Sugar Have you ever looked at the sugar content on the labels of your food? If so, it probably didn’t really register to you exactly how much you were eating. Why? Because sugar is labeled in grams. This is not a common unit of...

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Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)

Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)

Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) There are so many problems with the food industry today. These problems include animal protein, dairy, eggs, water supply, and pesticides (please refer to each category in SunCodes® blog for more...

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Complete vs Incomplete Protein

Complete vs Incomplete Protein

Complete vs Incomplete Protein The basic structure of every cell in the human body is protein. Protein is needed to make new cells, repair damaged ones, digest food, provide energy, and perform numerous other body functions. This is...

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Heart Healthy Cookware

Heart Healthy Cookware

As heart disease continues to be the leading cause of human death, more and more people are in desperate search to prevent this tragedy from happening to themselves and the people they love. There are many components that affect heart health and it’s my purpose and …

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Fish and Sea Food

Fish and Sea Food

Approximately 3 billion people in the world eat sea food. About 50% of all sea food is farm raised which is roughly 608 million pounds of food. The sales from this industry is estimated at around $1.33 billion dollars. There are 4 primary concerns with farmed raised…

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The human female body is designed to create and reproduce life thanks to the reproductive system. Women have eggs that either do or do not become fertilized by a male. When fertilization takes place, the female’s egg attaches to the uterine wall where a baby develops…

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