Vaccine Informed Consent

In order to take care of our mental and physical health, it’s crucial to educate ourselves on exactly what we’re putting into our bodies and the effects that these things may have. Many healthcare practitioners lack extensive self-initiated  research in vaccine safety  and aren’t always able to detail vaccine ingredients or the potential for associated health hazards. 

Vaccine Ingredients

Vaccines are made up of components that can cause harm, including death. These ingredients include:

  • Aluminum
  • Acetone
  • Formaldehyde
  • Mercury
  • MSG
  • Urea (urine)
  • GMOs and pesticides
  • Aborted baby cells
  • Cells from cows, pigs, monkeys, etc

By law, physicians are required to supply each patient with a copy of the ingredient list and the vaccine insert. This is not the piece of paper the office types up. Legal documents associated with the vaccine is what is required.

Vaccine Ingredients 

Vaccine Side Effects

Vaccine injury and death toll nears $5 billion dollars. It’s vital for individuals to research vaccines in depth in order to give full medical consent prior to treatment.

Vaccine Side Effects Can Include:

  • Death
  • Seizures
  • Stroke
  • Blood disorders
  • Infertility
  • Birth defects
  • Cancer
  • Kidney damage
  • Liver damage
  • Bone marrow disorders
  • Autism
  • And many more

Vaccine Exemptions

States allowing exemptions, include exemptions for:

Medical reasons: if a child or adult has a medical condition included in the state’s list of exemptions or an allergy to something in the vaccine

Philosophical or personal beliefs: if a parent or guardian believes vaccinating their child goes against their personal beliefs or parenting

Religious beliefs: if a vaccine contains human cells acquired through an abortion, religious individuals may be opposed to receiving the vaccine

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