Histamine levels are a primary cause of methylation problems. In testing, whole blood histamine levels are used as a marker for methylation status. This test can determine the presence of histadelia (high blood histamine) or histapenia (low blood histamine). 


The normal blood histamine range is 33-65 ng/ml. 


Histadelia pertains to high blood histamine levels of 70ng/ml and up. It is usually brought about by metabolic imbalances resulting from many factors like nutritional deficiencies. Vitamin B6, for example, acts as a cofactor to convert histidine to histamine and is often deficient in individuals with histadelia. 


Excess amounts of histamine get stored in the brain and can interrupt the release of essential neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These brain chemicals regulate mood, memory, and attention, leading to conditions like depression, schizoaffective, and OCD. 


High histamine = Under-Methylation


High Histamine/Under-Methylation:

  • Delusions
  • Obsessive with compulsive tendencies*
  • Adverse reactions to folic acid
  • Adverse reactions associated with niacin
  • Low serotonin
  • Depression
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Respond favorably to SSRIs
  • Adverse reactions to benzodiazepines 
  • Seasonal inhalant allergies
  • Positive response to antihistamines 
  • Phobias
  • Social isolation
  • Ritualizing behaviors
  • Low tolerance for pain
  • Frequent headaches
  • Poor concentration endurance
  • Prior diagnosis of OCDE, ODD
  • Strong-willed
  • Competitiveness
  • Perfectionism
  • History of high accomplishment
  • Calm demeanor with high inner tension
  • Slenderness
  • High libido
  • Addictive tendencies
  • Not usually compliant with therapies


Conversely, histapenia is low blood histamine levels of 27.6ng/ml for females and 20.2ng/ml for males. Histapenia creates over-methylation and accounts for roughly 46% of diagnosed schizophrenics. This schizophrenia biotype is a sensory disorder involving auditory, tactile, and/or visual hallucinations due to elevated dopamine and norepinephrine activity and reduced glutamate activity at NMDA receptors.  


Low Histamine = Over-Methylation


Low Histamine/Over-Methylation:

  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Copper overload
  • Obsessions without compulsiveness 
  • Adverse reaction to SSRIs
  • Depression-sensitive personalities
  • Self-mutilation
  • Sleep disorders
  • High anxiety/panic attacks
  • Nervous legs, pacing
  • Food/chemical sensitivities
  • Absence of seasonal allergies
  • Dry eyes/mouth
  • High pain threshold
  • Low motivation in school
  • Artistic, musical ability- highly intelligent
  • Believes everyone thinks badly of them
  • Low libido 


Ask SunCodes how you can test your histamine levels today.



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