Immunocompetency and The CDC Vaccine Schedule
Immunocompetency is the ability of the body’s immune system to respond when stimulated. Most babies do not start to develop immunocompetency until the age of 24 months. This means the immune systems of babies are not able to develop memory cells for the vaccines, that are supposed to provide long-term immunity, before that time. The CDC Vaccine schedule recommends 25 vaccines to children prior to age 24 months. Hepatitis B
The vaccination for Hepatitis B was introduced to the CDC vaccine schedule in 1995. The total number of deaths from the Hepatitis B vaccine to year 2017 is 784. The primary means of contracting Hepatitis B include the sharing of drug needles, and the exchange of blood, semen, and vaginal discharge. The Hepatitis B vaccine insert is here.
DTaP appeared on the CDC vaccine schedule in 1995. The total number of reported deaths from the vaccine to year 2017 is 2,116. The primary route of DTaP disease transmission is through respiratory droplets, poor hygiene, and bacteria entering an open wound (Tetanus). The DTaP vaccine insert is here.
HIB appeared on the CDC vaccination schedule in 1995. Total number of reported deaths from the vaccine to year 2017 is 1,531. The primary mode of disease transmission for HIB is respiratory droplets, and poor hygiene. The HIB vaccine insert is here.
The Polio vaccine was introduced to the CDC vaccination schedule in 1995. The total number of reported deaths from the faccine to year 2017 is 1,912. The primary routes for polio disease transmission is oral-fecal (mouth-poop), and poor hygiene. The Polio vaccine insert is here.
The Measles, Mumps, and Ruebella (MMR) vaccine was introduced to the CDC vaccination schedule in 1995. The total number of reported deaths from this vaccine to year 2017 is 250. The primary routes for MMR disease transmission is respiratory droplets, and poor hygiene. Polio vaccine insert is here.
The Varicella vaccine entered the CDC vaccination schedule in 1996. The total number of reported deaths from the vaccine to year 2017 is 137. The primary disease transmission for chicken pox is skin to skin contact with open lesions. The Varicella vaccine insert is here.
The Rotavirus vaccine was introduced to the CDC vaccination schedule in 1999. The total number of reported deaths from the vaccine to year 2017 is 377.The primary disease transmission for Rotavirus is fecal-oral (poop-mouth), and poor hygiene. The Rotavirus vaccine insert is here.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
The Pneumococcal vaccine entered the CDC vaccine schedule in 2001. The total number of reported deaths from the vaccine to year 2017 is 964. The primary mode of disease transmission is respiratory droplets and poor hygiene. Pneumococcal vaccine insert is here.
Influenza Vaccine
The Flu vaccine entered the CDC vaccine schedule in 2002. The total number of reported deaths from the vaccine to year 2017 is 258. The primary mode of disease transmission is respiratory droplets, and poor hygiene. The Influenza vaccine insert is here.
Meningococcal Vaccine
The Meningococcal vaccine was introduced to the CDC vaccination schedule in 2006. The number of reported deaths from the vaccine to year 2017 is 43. The primary mode of disease transmission is respiratory droplets, and poor hygiene. The Meningococcal vaccine insert is here.
The HPV vaccine entered the CDC vaccine schedule in 2007. The total number of reported deaths from the vaccine to year 2017 is 144. The primary route of disease transmission is sexual intercourse. The CDC footnote states dosing should begin at age 11 or 12 and can begin as early as 9. The HPV vaccine insert is here.