Natural Mental Health

Naturopathic Psychology and Spiritual Care
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Natural Medicine for Personality & Mood Disorders

SunCodes Holistic Health provides fully customized solutions to addressing particular manifestations
and the underlying imbalances of each individual. 

From Pills to Plants

Dr. Meg’s Story

Dr. Meg’s Background

Dr. Meg holds a Doctorate in Naturopathic Psychology, is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, and a Licensed Chaplain. She integrates mind, body, and spirit in her practice and hosts the Energetic Health Institute on America Outloud News.

A Story of Resilience

Dr. Meg’s life, marked by severe abuse and neglect, led her to flee home at a young age and found herself homeless. Despite hardships, she continued her education, showing remarkable resilience.

Traditional Mental Health Care

Seeking help from various professionals, Dr. Meg struggled with medications and their side effects for years, fueling her skepticism about traditional treatments. Her perspective shifted with motherhood, prompting her to seek natural solutions.

Embracing Holistic Nutrition

Joining the Energetic Health Institute marked a pivotal step. Dr. Meg learned the power of natural foods and holistic health practices, gaining certifications in cellular detox, amino acid therapy, and cannabinoid therapy.

Building a Supportive Community

Dr. Meg aims to create a community disillusioned with traditional psychiatry, offering holistic approaches to mental health through her show America Outloud News.

If you’re ready to explore holistic mental wellness, Dr. Meg is here to help you every step of the way. Embrace natural medicine for better mental health and well-being.

SunCodes About Meg

Recent Journal Entries

Principals of Orthomolecular Medicine

Principals of Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecules are considered first in medical diagnosis and treatment. Knowledge of the safe and effective use of orthomolecules is essential to assure a reasonable standard of care in medical practice. Orthomolecules have a low risk of toxicity. Every person is...

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Inflammation & Methylation

Inflammation & Methylation

The relationship between inflammation, methylation, and psychiatric disorders like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia is garnering increased attention. Inflammation, the body's response to injury or infection, is a dynamic process involving immune system activation....

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Kryptopyrroluria and Low Copper

Kryptopyrroluria and Low Copper

Appreciating the intricate relationships among minerals and their influence on the body's biochemical processes is crucial. One captivating interplay involves the correlation between diminished copper levels and a condition recognized as kryptopyrroluria....

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